We routinely paint all our signs in black, it’s not that other colours aren’t available, but not only does black stand out well against an oak background, but it’s also the colour that fades slowest in the sun and so looks better for longer.
However, in our latest batch for a customer, they enquired about other colours, we explained about the longer term colour fade issue and they said that they understood, but their children had asked if they could have pink for their favourite pony.
Always up for a challenge, and knowing that pink would be one of the worst colours for fading, we went one better and finished the sign with paint glitter flakes. This really pops and sparkles in bright light and looks way better in real life than we could capture on an overcast day winter’s day.
Apparently the children were thrilled and we were just happy that they approved of our efforts. We just hope that the other horses don’t feel hard done by with the standard black lettering!