I picked up some lovely iroko just before the Easter break, and couldn’t wait to get stuck in and build something from it. While I had a double bank holiday weekend I decided on a Rocking Garden Sun Lounger.

Two feet wide and plenty big enough for even the tallest of people, the gentle curves allow you to lay back in comfort and soak up the rays while getting back up is easy as the chair rocks forward to allow you to sit and then stand up. For safety, so you can’t tip over backwards there are a couple of stops so it won’t go back too far!
Then, a quick browse on the Internet turned up a lovely cushion to make it even more luxurious – with the weather this bank holiday Monday I didn’t bother with the ties which will easily loop around the slats to keep it in place – it looks like rain so this has gone straight into the shed to wait for the inevitable balmy days that will soon be with us.
Very happy with this build, it’s going to get a ton of use in the summer months!