Honestly, I’d never heard of a tortoise table until I was asked to make one… think more of a tortoise hutch, but it’s raised off the ground, contains a house, and for good measure we threw in an arch to climb or hide underneath. On the day of installation (prior to earth and foliage being added) the toitoise appeared to love his new home and quickly started to explore.
To ensure longevity, this was constructed from oak with sapele trim. For ease of moving the two halves are joined with screw clips as is the lock for the hinged lids.
The lids are fitted with heavy duty galvanised steel mesh which is permenently held in position by oak dowels, drilled and hammered through the underside of the lid and through the mesh to ensure it can never be pulled out.
The house is removeable for hibenation, with a slide to close the door and a series of holes underneath the ridge line for air circulation
Finally, what home isn’t complete without a name plate, so the toitoise’s name was carved and painted.